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Judgment (Real Estate/ Lispendens) Searches

Where there is a dispute in relation to title (e.g. Ownership or boundaries) and there is a High Court or Circuit Court case pending *, a Lis Pendens can be registered in the Judgments Section of the Central Office of the High Court. Lis Pendens literally means “Litigation Pending”

The function of registering a Judgment (Real Estate/ Lis pendens) is to put potential buyers or other interested parties on notice that there is a dispute in relation to the property.

A Judgment (Real Estate/ Lis Pendens) register search is typically conducted against the names of the individuals (and/ or entities) selling the property, and against the names of those persons or entities purchasing the property (when there is an undertaking by the solicitor to protect the interest of a lender/ lending institute where there is a mortgage to be issued). Judgment (Real Estate) Lis Pendens searches cover a period of the last 5 years.

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