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As a provider of legal and ancillary services since 1890, Ellis & Ellis occupies a unique position of both longevity and perspective in the law searching industry. In our ongoing partnership with large, small, and multi-disciplined practices, we regularly encounter certain ‘gaps in understanding’. This is particularly so when it comes to conducting ‘title investigation’ searches, but also affects other stand-alone search types.

While eminently experienced, Ellis & Ellis are not solicitors and, as such, do not and cannot provide legal opinion. However, our intention is to lend some of the 130 years of that insight to the more commonplace queries that arise from time to time. With this in mind, we trust you will find the following articles helpful.

Ellis & Ellis are frequently approached by clients requesting our expertise in researching the ownership of properties in Ireland. The reasons for …

What is the General Register Office (GRO)? In 1845, under the Marriages (Ireland) Act 1844, legislation was enacted to regulate the solemnisation …

What are Mapping Searches? At present in Ireland, there are two extant systems (The Registry of Deeds and The Land Registry)dealing with …

What are Residential Zoned Land Tax (RZLT) Searches? As part of the ‘Government’s Housing For All’ programme, a new annual tax called …

What are Rent Pressure Zone (RPZ) Searches? At a time of ever-increasing rental costs, and as part of a governmental approach to …

What are Register of Shipping Searches? A division of the Department of Transport and operating under the Irish Maritime Administration (IMA), the …

Intellectual Property – a brief understanding In as much as physical objects like land, houses, vehicles, and other goods can be owned …

What is a Credit Union search in the context of a conveyance?  Credit Unions bear many similarities to Friendly Societies which are …

What are probate searches? Typically, when an individual passes away within the State, a procedure is initiated to grantsomeone the legal authority …

The National Archives – A brief synopsis Born of a merging of the State Paper Office (SPO) (Founded in 1702 and holding …

What is an Irish Collective Asset-management Vehicle (ICAV) search? In order to respond to the above premised question, we must first ask …

What are Closing Searches? Typically, when a premises goes ‘Sale Agreed’ the selling and purchasing solicitors will generate a contract which commits …

Ellis & Ellis are delighted to introduce our new online feature, enabling retrospective payment of invoices and/or statements. In continuation of our …

What is a Beneficial Ownership search? Ever since European Anti-Money Laundering legislation was transposed into Irish law from 2015onwards, it has become …

Extending from the Townland Valuation Act (1826) and the Irish Poor Law Act (1838), attempts to create valuation of land evolved over time in Ireland into the Tenement Valuation Acts of 1846 and 1852. 

Friendly Societies have been described as ‘mutual aid’ associations. At their outset, they were organised on a voluntary basis to ‘…protect members against debts incurred through illness, death, or old age’.

The Irish Land Commission (ILC) was founded in 1881 and its primary role was to oversee the dissolution of large land estates and enable tenants to purchase the subdivided holdings.

The intention of a Proceeding search is to flag whether there any High Court actions (or referred actions from lesser courts) initiated that could potentially affect the ownership of a property, or impact on the boundaries/ right/ interests of a sale property. 

To better understand what is a ‘petition search’ it is perhaps first worthwhile exploring the nature of petitions, and then specifically address petitions in context to conveyancing.

The Sheriff (Revenue) offices – Their role and record keeping in a conveyancing context. The origins of the State’s various Sheriff’s Offices …

 Land and Title Searches – An Ellis & Ellis Explainer

Ellis & Ellis are frequently approached by clients requesting our expertise in researching the ownership of properties in Ireland. The reasons for seeking ownership details can by manifold from tort (slip, fall or injury), commercial interest (purchase), asset discovery (debt recovery), or evidentiary (chain of title for conveyancing, right of way) purposes and so on. By way of providing a greater appreciation of our company’s offering, we have elaborated (below) on some of the repositories visited, resources accessed, methodologies applied, and display our deep sectoral knowledge in meeting these needs for our clients.  Land Records in Ireland – Repositories for

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General Register Office (GRO) Searches – An Ellis & Ellis Explainer

What is the General Register Office (GRO)? In 1845, under the Marriages (Ireland) Act 1844, legislation was enacted to regulate the solemnisation and registration of Protestant and civil marriages in Ireland. This act led to the establishment of the General Register Office (GRO) and the appointment of a Registrar General to oversee the registration. system. In 1864, in a drive to centralise and standardise vital records, the scope of registration was expanded to include births, deaths, and Roman Catholic marriages. Over the intervening 160 or so years the General Register Office (GRO), which today operates under the auspice of the

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Mapping Searches – An Ellis & Ellis Explainer

What are Mapping Searches? At present in Ireland, there are two extant systems (The Registry of Deeds and The Land Registry)dealing with transactions in relation to property. Both now come under the authority of Tailte Éireann (Irish Lands), a state agency with overall responsibility for property registrations, property valuation and national mapping services. While the precursory Registry of Deeds (Est. 1708), originally offered parties a place ‘…to register and file memorials of deeds or transfers of unregistered land (*) …’, it has been gradually wound down over time in favour of the Land Registry. The Land Registry is now the

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Residential Zoned Land Tax Searches – An Ellis & Ellis Explainer

What are Residential Zoned Land Tax (RZLT) Searches? As part of the ‘Government’s Housing For All’ programme, a new annual tax called the Residential Zoned Land Tax (RZLT) was introduced under the Finance Act 2021, and is scheduled to come into practical effect on 1st February 2025. As part of a broader approach to tackling the prevailing housing crisis, the intended purpose of the tax was to discourage the hoarding and profiting from undeveloped yet residentially zoned land, and to concurrently stimulate the building of residential properties on said sites. As such, liability for this annually recurring tax (3% of

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Rent Pressure Zone (RPZ) Searches – An Ellis & Ellis Explainer

What are Rent Pressure Zone (RPZ) Searches? At a time of ever-increasing rental costs, and as part of a governmental approach to making rented accommodation generally more affordable, Rent Pressure Zones (RPZ) were initially introduced on 24 th December 2016, and have since been extended under the Residential Tenancies (No. 2) Act 2021. This special RPZ zoning was intended to identify areas where rents were highest and still rising. The regulations were intended, should a premises fall within an RPZ, to place certain upward-only restrictions on chargeable rents. Currently under the legislation, any private rented property in a RPZ had

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Register of Shipping Searches – An Ellis & Ellis Explainer

What are Register of Shipping Searches? A division of the Department of Transport and operating under the Irish Maritime Administration (IMA), the Marine Survey Office (MSO) is responsible for port/ flag state (i.e. the jurisdiction under whose laws the vessel is registered or licensed) regulatory control in Ireland.  These duties and responsibilities as the maritime transport regulator include ‘…the safety, security, environmental protection and living and working conditions for vessels and ports in Ireland and Irish ships abroad’. However, one of the other functions of MSO Administration is the issuing of Vessel Certificates. As such, and as a function of

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Intellectual Property Office of Ireland (IPOI) Searches – An Ellis & Ellis Explainer

Intellectual Property – a brief understanding In as much as physical objects like land, houses, vehicles, and other goods can be owned by an individual or a legal entity, it is also the case that original creative processes or innovations can be owned.  Copyright aside, certain types of intellectual property (IP) still necessitate a formal application and evaluation process for ownership rights to be legally established. The ultimate intention of the registration of IP is to protect both the tangible financial rights and the intangible (reputational) value inherent in those novel assets.  The Intellectual Property Office of Ireland IPOI (previously

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Credit Union Searches – An Ellis & Ellis Explainer

What is a Credit Union search in the context of a conveyance?  Credit Unions bear many similarities to Friendly Societies which are often characterised as associations of ‘mutual aid.’ Initially formed on a voluntary basis, friendly societies’ primary purpose was to ‘…safeguard members from debts arising from illness, death, or old age.’ Over time some Victorian friendly societies evolved into insurance companies, trade unions, industrial and provident societies, and various groups fostering specific activities or interests. Gradually, in their own way, credit unions would co-evolve within the spirit of the co-operative identity, i.e., the principles of ‘ ‘…self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality,

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