For persons that have been adjudicated as Bankrupt, they no longer control their real property assets for sale purposes, as their interest in the property would now be vested in the official assignee of the Bankruptcy Office in the High Court.
As such we carry out checks on the records of:
to determine whether there are any Petitions in the Bankruptcy Register for the last year only*, the Deeds of Arrangements Register from 14th day of April 1922 and the Register of EU Personal Insolvencies† from the 14th April 2004 to date.
* This report includes searches for any bankrupts that have had their bankruptcies ‘extended’ or ‘interim extended’ before the natural lapsing of the 12 months bankruptcy period, and discharge by law.
† The EU Personal Insolvency Register records persons who have been made bankrupt in an EU country, and whose details have subsequently been added to the EU Personal Insolvency register for Ireland only. This registration process does not happen as a matter of course. A creditor (usually) would have to go to the trouble of actively lodging same. If the creditor wanted to register an act in all EU countries, then it would have to register same in each individual EU register held by each individual EU member country).