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Retrospective Payments Online

Last Updated on May 4, 2023

Ellis & Ellis are delighted to introduce our new online feature, enabling retrospective payment of invoices and/or statements.

In continuation of our recently introduced Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) feature, this new functionality aims to aid users in simplifying their invoice and statement payment procedures.

In simple terms, this option enables clients to conveniently pay for services rendered by credit or debit card directly on our website.

First go to www.ellis.ie and login.

Secondly, post log-in, navigate to the ‘Pay invoice(s) or Statemen(s)’ section of the website.

Then merely complete the online payments process and submit payment.

A confirmatory e-mail of successful payment will be issued for your records to the e-mail address associated with the account log-in.

Please be advised that it may take 3-4 working days before payments are received by Ellis & Ellis.

As such invoices paid online may still appear on Statements of Account until offset.

If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us at 01 8723 460.

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