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Register of Beneficial Ownership – Designated Person

Ellis & Ellis have recently been in correspondence with the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership of Companies and Industrial and Provident Societies.

We have been informed that ‘…Following a recent judgement [sic] by the European Court of Justice the search facility on the RBO register for beneficial ownership information is now suspended…’

Moreover, we are also informed that the ‘…RBO is currently working on providing access for Designated Persons only…’.

(Note: A designated person is defined on the RBO’s website (Section 15) as follows: Frequently Asked Questions About The RBO – RBO)

Ellis & Ellis will continue to keep a watching brief on this matter, and should there be any changes re the above we will circulate same,

In the meantime, if you wish to read the outcome of Court’s decision, please see press release as follows: CJEU_Press_Release.pdf


Ellis & Ellis


Update: Monday 24th April 2023

Please note that access to this register has now been available to certain ‘Designated Persons’. These designated persons have differing levels of access depending on their rank of authorisation. Ellis & Ellis in a capacity of a data processor can and does recover information on these registers. However, for GDPR purposes we may only do so on behalf of an instructing solicitor within the State or other appropriate data controller within the State.


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