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What is a Business Name search? – An Ellis & Ellis Explainer

For some, a business name is considered the ‘brand’ of an enterprise. A business name can help create a corporate identity, setting up as it does either perceived or real client expectations around service, production or intent. A business name can equally be used to influence company culture or merely act as a mission statement […]

What Is An Insolvency Service Of Ireland Search? – An Ellis & Ellis Explainer

What is the Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI)? The Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI) is an independent statutory body established on 1 March 2013 under the provisions of the Personal Insolvency Act 2012. It is responsible for administering and supervising the operation of the various personal insolvency solutions as prescribed in the said act. The […]

What Is A Folio Search? – An Ellis & Ellis Explainer

What is a folio? To understand what a folio search is, you first need to understand ‘what is a folio?’. In essence, a folio is a title document produced by the Land Registry as part of the ‘registration of title’ system. Supplementary maps (or title plans) are also generated by the Land Registry. These (State […]

What Are Judgment (Lis Pendens) Searches? An Ellis & Ellis Explainer

What is a Lis Pendens? Literally the term translates from its original Latin as ‘Pending Litigation’ and refers to burdens registered against property in situations where there are Circuit or High Court proceedings still deemed to be in progress or still pending.  In reference to Section 69 (1) (i) of the Registration of Title Act […]

What Are Company (Legal Entity) Searches? An Ellis & Ellis Explainer

What is a Company search? A company search is a search against the registered name or number of a legal entity recorded in the registers of the Companies Registration Office (CRO), which is the ‘…central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies and business names….’. This type of search can be conducted instantaneously for […]

What Are Bankruptcy Searches? An Ellis & Ellis Explainer

What is Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is a process where, for a person who is wholly or partially unable to repay their debts (both secured and unsecured), a compromise with creditors is agreed and approved and entered into with the court’s oversight. The intention of the bankruptcy process is to equitably allocate your assets among your creditors […]