The Valuation Office (V.O.) holds the Valuation Office Revision Books. These are updated versions of Griffith’s Valuation surveys which date from the 1850s to the 1970s for residential property in Ireland. The Valuation Office is also home to copies of the Griffith’s Valuation maps and the later Union Maps.
Ellis & Ellis use our extensive knowledge of the Valuation Office records to assist in land searches or title investigations on unregistered title*. Searches in the Valuation Office can also form an important first step in generating the grounding documents necessary for the purpose of ‘first registration’ of title in the Land Registry (PRAI)
These records also provide an invaluable resource for genealogical and historical research’.
* Note :
“Unregistered title” is defined by the Registry of Deeds as ‘…property the title to which is not registered or deemed to be registered in the Land Registry under the Registration of Title Act 1964.
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